See below for an overview of project team members from each EUCalc partner organisation (organisations are listed in alphabetical order)
Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)
Oliver RAPF Since 2011, Oliver Rapf is Executive Director of BPIE, the Buildings Performance Institute Europe, a Brussels based think-tank with a focus on energy and the built environment.
Role in EUCalc: Oliver was in the Management Board of the project
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Before joining BPIE, Oliver worked for the global conservation organization WWF in various roles, including as Head of the Climate Business Engagement unit of WWF International, managing strategy and partnership development with the private sector. Leading an international team, he advised multinational companies on climate change and energy issues. Oliver’s experience in buildings efficiency goes back to the late 90s when he was a project leader for several deep renovation projects on behalf of WWF in cooperation with housing companies across Germany. Earlier, Oliver participated in UNFCCC negotiation process, and was the leader of the German NGO coalition at international conferences. Oliver has been active as a jury member of environmental and sustainability awards, and serves on various advisory boards. In his early career, he worked on regional sustainability strategies and spatial planning.
Judit Kockat
An industrial engineer, Judit Kockat is a partner and project manager. Judit has been modelling building stocks and policy impacts for 10 years, projecting GHG emissions, energy need and demand analysing cost-benefits, social and demographic impact and distribution effects as well as macro-economic aspects all the way bottom-up from the choice of material and the timing of measures such as renovation and heating system exchange.
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For these analyses, she is applying a variety of methods of data analysis combined with a profound knowledge of German policies connected to energy efficiency and renewable energy with a focus on buildings. She worked on research connected to energy and buildings at the Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research. In projects with various national and international partners, she became familiar with the building-related policies in Germany, the EU and its countries. In a related project, she assessed the effects of white certificates for buildings and compared other countries’ experiences. Within the Odyssee-MURE project, she maintained the descriptions of German policies and collected data for the impact evaluation of policy instruments. Within the EU Project ENTRANZE, she facilitated the aggregation of building stock data and projections for EU countries and designed the data analysis tools applied to all European countries’ building stocks.
Marine FABER
Role in EUCalc: BPIE has several roles in EUCalc, in research and communications. Marine’s role helped the project spread outcomes and results at the EU and Member State levels.
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Marine FABER graduated from the EM Lyon Management School (France), where she focused on sustainability in communications before spending some months in Norway to learn more about renewable energies and ethics in business. She moved to Belgium in 2011 to work in a multicultural environment and experience the European feeling. She has always put an emphasis on sustainability in her working experiences, focusing on events management for a French Local Energy Agency and a Music and Street Art Festival in Lyon. She then strengthened her Marketing and Communications expertise working for an Environmental Consulting agency in Brussels before joining BPIE. At BPIE, where she manages the communications team, she is, among other things, editing publications and newsletters, liaising with media and partners, managing Social Media accounts as well as BPIE and other projects’ websites. She is working on several EU-funded projects, such as CommONEnergy, Exceed, Heat Roadmap Europe and more. When Marine is not working, she volunteers in environmental or social associations and designs jewellery in recycled contents.
Maarten De Groote
Maarten De Groote is Head of Research at the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) with 15 years’ experience in energy performance and sustainability of buildings.
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Leading on topics such as renovation strategies, innovation in the construction sector and smart buildings, BPIE has succeeded in elevating these topics into the spotlight at EU and national levels.As Strategic Policy Officer at the Flemish Energy Agency (BE), he coordinated the Flemish nearly Zero Energy Buildings action plan and the Belgian certification scheme for installers of renewable energy technologies.
Maarten holds a Master Degree in Industrial Design and an Energy & Climate Postgraduate, both consolidating his out-of-the-box and transversal approach.
Vivian Dorizas
Vivian Dorizas is as Project Manager at the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) and manages research projects in relation to energy performance of buildings.
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She is contributing in several Horizon 2020 projects such as EUCalc, M-Benefits, Embuild and Exceed. Previously, Vivian worked as a Project Manager for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) in Low Energy Ventilation Systems at the Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE) of the University College London (UCL) in partnership with Ventive Ltd in London, UK. At the same period she also contributed to the development of the curriculum of the new MSc in Health, Wellbeing and Sustainability in Buildings of the Bartlett, UCL. Vivian has further worked as an environmental consultant, providing services on the Environmental Design of buildings. Currently, she is also the secretary of the Natural Ventilation Group of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE-NVG) and a visiting lecturer at the UCL. Vivian holds a PhD in Indoor Environmental Quality and Ventilation, an MSc in Environmental Design and Engineering from the UCL and a Degree in Physics from the University of Athens.
Vincent MATTON
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, he was the leader of the model architecture. He coordinated the different modules and the interaction between them to build the calculator.
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Vincent Matton is consultant at Climact. He holds an Engineering degree from the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Applied Mathematics. Specialized in modelling, he works on national and European level to build CO2 emissions calculators. His expertise covers data analytics and energy modelling. Prior to Climact, he worked at Image Matters as Product Manager.
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc she has been leading the transport module of the calculator.
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Emily Taylor is consultant at CLIMACT where she works on various projects about energy and climate strategy. She is involved in a European CO2 emissions calculator for which she works on the transport model. She is also involved in a reflection for the Walloon Region about the evolution of electricity markets. Before joining CLIMACT in 2017, she worked at Tractebel as Power System Engineer.
Julien Pestiaux
Julien Pestiaux is Director of Prospective analysis at Climact.
Role in EUCalc: he coordinated all the work done by Climact regarding WP2 “Buildings and Transport” and WP8 “Model & Module Integration”.
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He holds an Engineering degree from the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and a degree in Engineering management & sustainable development (Cornell). Prior to Climact, he worked at McKinsey and at the EU commission on climate/energy projects.
Michel Cornet
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc he is supported WP2 “Building and Transport” in the organisation of workshops and by bringing his experience from other calculators.
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Michel Cornet is a Senior Consultant at Climact. He holds an Engineering degree. Prior Climact, he had Experience at A.T. Kearney in strategy and in operations and at the UN in microfinance.
Pascal Vermeulen
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, he managed the team of the EUCALC partner Climact. He coordinated the administrative part as well as following the job done in the other WPs.
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Pascal Vermeulen is founder & managing director at Climact. He holds a Business administration degree. He is responsible of General management, Business development and External relations. Prior Climact, he had Country management experience in marketing and sales of consumer products at Unilever and Sara Lee.
Hugues de Meulemeester
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, he is managing the technical team of the EUCALC partner Climact. He coordinated the architecture of the module in the WP8 “Model & Module Integration”.
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Hugues de Meulemeester is Director of Operations and business model development at Climact. He holds an engineering degree and an MBA (UC Berkeley). Prior Climact, he had experience at Asea Brown Boveri in energy and automation projects and at Cisco in finance operations.
Climate Media Factory
Bernd Hezel
Role in EUCalc: As Climate Media Factory team lead he coordinated the work package on Co-creation, Stakeholder Involvement & Transition Pathways Explorer. For the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact research he work on the scientific model design of EUCalc.
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Bernd Hezel decodes climate science results and designs suitable media formats at Climate Media Factory. At the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research he investigates decision support and audio-visual climate change communication formats. As principal investigator in FP7/H2020 projects, he leads work on co-creation, communication and results exploitation. He is one of the authors and directors of the World Bank’s first-ever MOOC, From Climate Science to Action. Bernd contributed to award-winning theater productions and wrote and directed many animated short films, several of which won international festivals. In 2010, he received a doctoral degree from Heidelberg University for work in quantum theory.
Ephraim Broschkowski
Role in EUCalc: Ephraim contributed to the design and implementation of the EUCalc Pathways Explorer and the e-learning tool. He created an audio-visual pathway narration for the tools and was also involved in other dissemination and communication activities.
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Boris Thurm
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, he worked on the social impacts of an energy transition, focusing on the employment impacts.
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Boris Thurm holds a MSc in Energy Mananagement and Sustainability from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He wrote his master thesis on the integrated management of water and energy resources at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada. He is currently pursuing a PhD in economics, in the Laboratory for Environmental and Urban Economics (LEUrE), EPFL. His research interests include the management of uncertainties in the electricity-generation industry, policies to promote renewable energy, and the incentives to generate environmental-friendly behavior in consumers. At LEUrE, he also worked on a project aiming at assessing the economic impacts of climate change in Switzerland.
François Marechal
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François Marechal holds a process engineering degree (1986) and a Ph D from University of Liège in Belgium (1995), where he realised a Ph D. in the field of process integration of industrial sites under the supervision of Prof. B. Kalitventzeff. In 2001, he moved to Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland where he joined the Industrial Energy Systems Laboratory of Professor D. Favrat. Since 2013, he is professor in EPFL in the EPFL Valais-Wallis Campus, heading the Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering group. He is conducting research in the field of the process and energy systems engineering for the rational use of energy and resources in industrial processes and energy systems. His activities are focussing on the development of computer aided process and energy system design methods applying process integration and optimization techniques.
He has produced more than 220 scientific papers (with H-index of 33) in the field of energy efficiency in the industry, process system design for biofuels and electricity production, industrial ecology and sustainable energy systems in urban areas studying the optimal integration of renewable energy resources for the energy transition.
Imperial College London
Dr Onesmus Mwabonje
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, he assisted in managing the activities of work package 4 “Land, Water & Biodiversity” and coordinated the policy briefs development, involving working closely with all project partners within other work packages.
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Dr Onesmus Mwabonje is a Research Fellow at Imperial College London’s Centre for Environmental Policy (CEP), currently working on the EUCALC project and also co-manages the Bio-SuccInnovate project sponsored by Climate KIC. He is an experienced Life Cycle Assessment practitioner, expert in assessing feedstocks for biomass and biofuels energy technology options. He has conducted feasibility studies for renewable energy installations for various clients in the UK and has substantial international experience in managing projects for clients in the USA, Kenya and South America.
Dr Alexandre Strapasson
Role in EUCalc: In the context of the EUCalc, he has contributed with the development of the agriculture and land use module. He has also collaborated as an expert reviewer in the preparation of technical documents and policy briefs.
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Dr Alexandre Strapasson is an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London, working on energy, land use and environmental sciences. He is also a Visiting Lecturer at IFP School in France, and an international consultant. Alexandre was one of the lead modellers of the Global Calculator, having contributed with the EUCalc as well. He has previous experiences as an UNDP Consultant and as Director and Head of Department of Bioenergy at the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture. He holds a PhD from Imperial College with a Postdoc in Sustainability Science from Harvard University. From 2020, Alexandre starts a new role at Harvard, as a Belfer Center Research Fellow in Agriculture and Energy Policy at Harvard Kennedy School.
Jeremy Woods
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, Jem was one of the principal investigators and coordinated activities of work package 4 “Land, Water & Biodiversity”.
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Jeremy Woods is a Senior Lecturer in bioenergy at Imperial College London working on the interplay between development, land-use and the sustainable use of natural resources. At Imperial, he is a co-director of ICEPT (Centre for Energy Policy and Technology) and a member of the Bioeconomy Platform of Climate-KIC which is dedicated to the development of advanced biorenewables. He is a member of the Royal Society’s – Africa Exchanges Committee, having served on the RS DFID Africa Capacity Building Initiative Assessment Panel and it’s Leverhulme Africa Awards Assessment Panel. He has sat on two RS working groups, ‘GHG emissions from agriculture’ in 2010 and in 2008/09 its working group on ‘Biofuels’ which produced an internationally acclaimed report on the science and policies needed for their sustainable development. His research links environmental impact, techno-economic and sustainability assessment frameworks and is applied to policy making and industry standards. The latest examples of his work include leading the development of the Financial Times COP21 Climate Calculator ( and in overseeing the development of the land/food/bioenergy and climate science components of the Global Calculator ( As a member of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Scientific Advisory Committee on its ‘Bioenergy and Sustainability: bridging the gaps’ rapid assessment project, he was lead author of the ‘land and biomass’ chapter and co-author on a cross-cutting issues chapter on ‘Food Security’. His external interests including being a trustee of the Environmental Law Foundation ( and previously Chair of a voluntary community-based carbon offsetting charity, Plan Vivo (; 2010 to 2014). He is a director of LCAworks Ltd (a consultancy on life-cycle assessment;; Themba, a charity dedicated to renewable energy and sustainable natural resource use for development with activities in Southern Africa and the South Pacific.
Marc Stettler Details coming soon
Mike Holland Details coming soon
Gino Baudry Details coming soon
Beatrix Hausner
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc she mainly contributed to WP6 “Jobs, value added, and social impact” by assessing social impacts, its associated energy consumption and effects on other sectors with regard to energy security as well as gender equality. This will be carried out by analysing scenarios on employment across different sectors, on competitiveness and their required regulatory incentives. Beatrix Hausner will be involved in setting input data as well as its collection and interpretation. Her further activities concern dissemination and communication tasks.
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Ms. Beatrix Hausner, publicist and political scientist, is a project manager involved in the field of gender, diversity and social sustainability projects. Her focus lies on topics: women in research and technology, structural embedding of equal opportunities, embedding of gender aspects in RTD programmes and social benchmarking. By means of the accomplished work she provides a high level of competence and consolidated experience in the field of gender issues.
Daniel Berger
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc Daniel was a team member of WP1, where he focused on the analysis of technology development and emerging technologies, specified in WP1 “Technological transformation and innovation capacity”. Thus, the developing of a technology and innovation matrix along with key performance indicators, was an essential part of his work that contributed to the elaboration of the decarbonisation pathways. He was also involved in the integration of the achieved results in the calculation tree of the simulation model.
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Mr. Daniel Berger is energy and sustainability expert working on projects in the field of renewable energy and innovative building. After his studies in environmental and sustainability management and renewable energy technologies he gathered first professional experience in Vietnam. He is specialised in the certification of buildings and the assessment of GHG emissions. His latest tasks encompassed activities such as sustainable building certification in the context of the Austrian programme klimaaktiv and a study that evaluated the effects and efficiency of the Austrian funding system for renewable energy and building refurbishment.
Hannes Warmuth
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc Hannes Warmuth was team leader of work package (WP) 3 “Production & Manufacturing” and task leader in WP1 “Technological transformation and innovation capacity”. His developed a concept to model and generate decarbonisaiton pathways for the transformation of the manufacturing and production sector as well as FFFF. This also included the planning of work packages and dissemination activities. In WP3 the contribution and impact of production processes on trade and economic growth has been explored. In addition, material flows in major European industries were analysed leading to deep decarbonisation pathways. In WP1 Hannes Warmuth was responsible to establish a framework to systematically assess and evaluate future technological development in the European Union and its member states covering the whole dynamics of the innovation process.
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Mr. Hannes Warmuth, works as a researcher and programme manager at ÖGUT since October 2012. After studying business administration (with focus on Central and Eastern Europe), he got his first professional experience in the field of energy-efficient buildings. After his second study on renewable energy technologies Hannes Warmuth joined ÖGUT working in the fields of innovative buildings and integrated energy systems. One of his major emphases is on strategy processes, having been strongly involved in the development of the Austrian Energy Research and Innovation Strategy. Other topics include the modelling of future energy scenarios and innovative (green) public procurement.
Marco Steinlechner
Role in EUCalc: His focus in the context of EUCalc was within data research and its integration in the simulation model. For this purpose, deductions from the data and technology matrix developed in WP1 and WP3 were carried out and implemented in the calculation tree of the simulation model. He also contributed to WP 6 regarding the assessment of gender equality, the calculation of its socio-economic impacts and the integration in the calculator.
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Mr. Marco Steinlechner is an economist with a focus on IT. His activities at the ÖGUT encompass data science and support. He has taken part in several national and international projects, such as SEFIPA and FEMTech which gave him substantial experience in investments in sustainable energy.
Volkmar Andreeff
Role in EUCalc: His role in the context of EUCalc encompassed energy and emission-intensive industries in WP3 “Production & Manufacturing” and their possible technological development, which contributed to the generation of decarbonisation pathways for the manufacturing and production sector. Volkmar Andreeff also took part in the elaboration of possible levers for modelling of pathways in manufacturing and production processes.
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Volkmar Andreeff works in the field of renewable energies with special emphasis on energy efficient buildings and mobility. After his studies in the field of energy efficient buildings in France and renewable energy systems in Austria he joined the ÖGUT in 2016. He also provides IT-skills that he used for the creation and management of several project related databases in the field of energy efficiency. His major emphases are renewable technologies regarding transports and buildings. He also provides knowledge in methods such as data mining and infographics.

Stefania Tron
Role in EUCalc: she was working on the design and development of the production and manufacturing module (WP3).
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Stefania Tron has been working as a scientific project manager for ÖGUT since November 2017. She studied environmental engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, where she obtained a PhD in 2014. In her PhD she developed models to investigate the interactions among climate, soil, and vegetation. After finishing her PhD she worked as a postdoc at the University of Vienna and at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne on projects in the hydrological and ecological field.
PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd.
László Zentkó
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc he was responsible to oversee the activities of PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd. as managing director, as well as to advise on the electricity and storage module development of the European Calculator tool.
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Mr. László Zentkó, graduated as socio-economist, has experiences in policy, investments, climate change and energy, as well as business and innovation developments. During years working in the public sector he has learned how to design, manage and monitor public funds and also obtained insight into the EU and national energy markets with focus on climate change/renewables/policy interface. 2011-2015 he had the opportunity to create and operate the innovation partnership in Hungary for Climate-KIC including the management of the regional start-up accelerator. From 2013 he is managing director of PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd., and personally responsible and supervises the accelerator program. Recently, he has launched PANNON Green Power Ltd., a spin-off of PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd. offering a novel business model for installation and operation of PV plants Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCALC he is responsible to oversee the activities of PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd. as managing director, as well as to advise on the electricity and storage module development of the European Calculator tool.
Miklós Gyalai-Korpos
Role in EUCalc: in the context of EUCalc he was responsible to supervise and develop the energy supply module and coordinate WP5 including the management of the co-design process, as well as to contribute the development of the industrial energy efficiency and storage modules.
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Miklós Gyalai-Korpos, PhD graduated with MSc in bioengineering, and PhD in biofuels/bioenergy. 2010-2013 he was employed by the Ministry of National Development of Hungary in a department responsible for long term energy policy and international energy relations. He took part in the drafting of the National Energy Strategy of Hungary which helped him to gain a complex insight into the energy landscape with emphasis on sustainable energy options. In 2013, he contributed as external expert of the National Adaptation Center to the Hungarian Climate Change Strategy by investigating the different emission trajectories using the Carbon Calculator tool in close cooperation with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) of the UK.
From 2014 he works for PANNON Pro Innovations as project development manager and involved in various projects of the company.
Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Luis Costa
Christiane Walter
SEE Change Net
Garret Patrick Kelly
Garret Patrick Kelly is the founder and Principal of SEE Change Net a regional think tank, which deals with Energy, Sustainability and EU integration amongst other topics.
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SEE Change Net recently launched a unique set of energy models – the SEE2050 Carbon Calculator – which explores the cost and carbon impact of various policy pathways and is also partner in Horizon 2020 funded project European Calculator.
As the former Head of United Nations in Montenegro, Mr. Tankosić-Kelly was the initiator of the world first UN Eco Premises in Podgorica. He has worked in Ireland, Republic of South Africa, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, USA, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Romania and Kosovo.
Ana Ranković
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Ana Ranković is the coordinator of the SEE Change Network operations and she is also a co-founder of Fractal, an NGO based in Serbia. She has more than 15 years of experience and wide energy modeling expertise, including being the team leader of energy modellers from 17 South East Europe CSOs who participated in the creation of the 2050 energy calculator.
T6 Ecosystems srl
Katja Firus
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc she was the team leader of the EUCALC partner T6 Ecosystems srl. She coordinated the work package “Dissemination, Communication and My Europe 2050 tool” and collaborated closely with all partners and work packages. In addition she was part of the EUCalc project management team and supported the co-design process.
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Ms. Katja Firus, economist, is a partner and the manager of the environment and climate change department, specialised in research on climate change adaptation, transition to sustainability, natural risk, risk governance and the territorial impact of climate change. In this framework she has been co-ordinating / managed several European research projects (e.g. TESS, RAMSES, ENSURE). She is an experienced and specifically trained project manager for European and international projects and the co-ordination and moderation of international project teams. She also coordinated dissemination and communication activities of many European research projects.
Giorgio Bagordo
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, Giorgio was working on the “Dissemination, Communication and My Europe 2050 tool” work-package with a focus on communication and dissemination activities, such as the management of the website and the project’s social media outputs.
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Giorgio holds a BEng in Environmental Engineering and Resource Management and an MSc in environmental management. A Practitioner of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (PIEMA) he has extensive experience in the environmental sector, leading the development and delivery of sustainability andcarbon reduction programmes within the public and private sector.
Ilaria Lener
Role in EUCalc: In the context of Eucalc Ilaria supported the project management team in dealing with all issues concerned with the financial and administrative management of the project.
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Graduated in Law, she is an experienced Project and Financial Manager of international actions, with a specific focus on European Funding Programs (i.e.: H2020, Research Framework Programs, Human Rights and Citizenship, Call for Tenders). Since 2008 she is partner at T6 ECOSYSTEMS and CFO.She has a long experience in the management of complex research projects, coordinating large working groups, and being involved in all different stages of a project’s development: proposal writing, negotiation phase, development and implementation of internal and external quality control instruments, preparation of budgets and financial assessment. She is also experienced in the organization of events and coordination of dissemination campaigns.
TU Delft
Patricia Osseweijer
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc Professor Patricia Osseweijer’s role is to lead WP6 on socio-economic impacts.
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Professor Patricia Osseweijer leads Biotechnology and Society at Delft University of Technology. She links technological innovation in biotechnology with societal challenges for a sustainable bioeconomy. Her focus is on integral impact assessment, social sustainability, public perceptions and ethics. She received the (NL) Royal Academy distinguished Lorentz fellowship for integrating social sciences & technology. Patricia is University Ambassador Brazil, advisor to the TU Delft President..
Farahnaz Kamali
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, she has been working on the social impacts of an decarbonization pathways and assists in managing the activities of work package 6 “job, value added and social impacts”, involving working closely with all project partners within other work packages..
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Post-doctoral researcher in Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
University of Copenhagen
Wusheng Yu
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, UCPH was working on the trade effects and transboundary flows generated by different pathways, focusing on trade within the EU and between the EU and the rest of the world. Wusheng Yu covers the role of WP lead.
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Wusheng Yu is a professor of food economics at the Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark. He conducts quantitative economic analysis of international trade, trade policy, agricultural policy, and climate change. He has 20 years’ experience working with CGE modeling. Wusheng obtained his PhD in agricultural economics from Purdue University. He was named a GTAP Research Fellow in 2014. He has been a consultant to a number of international organizations such as the OECD and WTO, and to several national government agencies.
Francesco Clora
Role in EUCalc: In the context of EUCalc, UCPH was working on the trade effects and transboundary flows generated by different pathways, focusing on trade within the EU and between the EU and the rest of the world.
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Francesco Clora is a PhD Fellow in quantitative economics, at the Department of Food and Natural Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark. He holds an MSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from UCPH. In his Master thesis, he analyzed the effects of the Effort Sharing Regulation on the agricultural sector from a Danish perspective, focusing on trade, production and carbon leakages. He also holds a BSc in Economics and Management from the University of Padova, Italy. His research interests include CGE modelling to analyze climate-change policies, international trade and trade policies.
University of East Anglia
Rachel Warren – Details coming soon
Jeff Price – Details coming soon