WP9 – Co-creation, Stakeholder Involvement & Transition Pathways Explorer
Work package leads: CMF (other partners involved: PIK, Imperial, Climact, BPIE, OGUT, UCPH, EPFL, UEA, PANNON, T6ECO, SEE-Change, TU Delft)
The Co-creation, Stakeholder Involvement & Transition Pathways Explorer work-package has the objective of capturing and materializing user requirements for the Transition Pathways Explorer and to materialize these in a web-tool, via co-design, as the main tangible output of the project. In addition, the work-package is responsible for the coordination of the stakeholder and expert consultation cycles for large knowledge base throughout the sectoral work-packages following a consistent concept and methodology.
EUCalc Transition Pathways Explorer (Lead: CMF)
The EUCalc Pathways Explorer is a web application that provides the interface between the user and the model. It can be used as a concrete planning tool for reconciling the urgent need for technological and societal change, against the associated inertia and lock-in effects. As such it shall provide rapid policy support at an EU and country level.
The user can design an individual emission pathway for Europe by choosing an ambition level for all relevant decarbonisation levers. The consequences of these choices for energy supply and demand, energy security and system costs, land use and biodiversity, water availability, people’s health, employment, equity and transboundary effects are presented comprehensibly and instantaneously. This provides immediate insights about potential trade-offs and synergies of decision-making in different sectors. A warning system and an economic module validate the viability of the chosen pathway.