Deliverables and resources

Deliverables and resources produced to date are summarised below:

D1.1 Downscaled Climate Change Scenarios for Europe, Estimation of incremental European Warming Contribution (UEA, July 2018) This deliverable describes the process of selection of climate scenarios, collection of climate data needs from partners (e.g., variables, temporal and spatial resolutions), and the calculation and provision of climate data provided to the EUCalc project team.

D1.2 WP1 – Formalizing the relation between EU-level emissions and those from the RoW: perspectives and scenarios for the EUCalc (UEA, November 2019) 

D1.3 Life-styles in Europe: perspectives and scenarios (PIK, April 2018) This deliverable defines ambition levels for demographic and demand-related lifestyle levers for the EU calculator.

D1.4 Decoupling typologies in European economies (PIK, April 2018) This deliverable analyses contemporary factors underlying the energy consumption and territorial CO2 emissions in European member states by economic sector, and relates them to structural changes like deindustrialisation, tertiarisation and efficiency gains.

D1.5 Technological transition and innovation pathways (ÖGUT, October 2019) This report describes how technological advancement and disruptive change is covered in various sector within the European Calculator (EUCalc). We introduce a framework to systematically assess future technological development of existing as well as new, emerging technologies by establishing a technology matrix. Key performance indicators include specific energy consumption and specific emissions, as well as costs of corresponding technologies. Finally, this report provides a number of technology-dependent transition pathways and scenarios for the European Union and its integration into the EUCalc model.

D1.6 Exploring lifestyle changes in Europe to the horizon 2050 (EPFL, Nov. 2017) – This report summarizes the presentations, discussions and lessons learned during the EU calculator expert workshop on l ifestyle s and lifestyle changes in Europe.

D2.1 Comprehensive database of EU vehicle fleet, broken down by country (Climact, Jan. 2018) This report describes the sources and hypotheses used to build the historical database for the transport module.

D2.2 Identification of levers and levels of ambition for passenger & freight transport in Europe (Climact, April 2018) This report summarises the key findings and insights of the transport sector within the EU Calc project.

D2.3 Expert consultation on transport (Climact, April 2018) – This report summarizes the presentations, discussions and lessons learned during the EU calculator Expert Stakeholder Workshop on the low carbon transition for Transport in Europe.

D2.4 A comprehensive database of the EU building stock and energy consumption (BPIE, Feb. 2018) This report accompanies the files that build D2.4 the building stock database. These files include data files and metadata files as specified within the document.

D2.5 Identification of levers and levels for the building stock (BPIE, July 2019) This report summarises the levers and levels affecting changing energy use and consumption patterns in the building stock. The main drivers of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been identified and defined. The calculation method is described for heating of residential and non-residential buildings, for district heating and for residential appliances. The assumptions and definitions are explained. The respective ambition levels for each of the drivers are developed, from an ambition that follows the observed trend (level one) to a disruptive ambition (level four). 

D2.6 Data and model for the integration of district heating (EPFL, September 2018)This report summarises the structure, methodology and data used to develop the district heating sub-model for the European Calculator. 

D2.7 Expert consultation workshop on buildings (Climact, September 2018) This report summarises the structure, the major findings, and the lessons learned of a well-facilitated expert consultation workshop on the decarbonisation of the European building stock carried out in June 2018 in Brussels. The main aim of the workshop was to get input and feedback from experts of the sector on the first draft of the Buildings’ module of the planned EU Calculator.

D2.8 Initial results from EUCalc Pathways Explorer for the building sector: European and Member States insights (BPIE, September 2019) This briefing provides a practical example of how policymakers can use the EUCalc model. Notably, the model can create pathways to mirror the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive long-term renovation strategies with different levels of ambition. It contains projections of energy demand and CO2 emissions from heating buildings.
The purpose and functioning of the EUCalc, and how it has been used for the purpose of this briefing, is explained in detail. 

D3.1 Raw materials module and manufacturing and secondary raw- materials module for EUCalc (OGÜT, November 2019) This report describes the integration of the manufacturing and production module within the overall architecture of the EU Calculator (EU Calc), the input data and levers definition, as well as level setting for material conversion routes as input for modelling. Critical – in terms of GHG emissions, economic importance and supply risk – materials are integrated into the EU Calculator accordingly. The deliverable transparently covers an inventory of input data and levers definition, as well as levels setting for technologies improving energy efficiency of manufacturing processes as input for modelling. 

D3.2 Energy intensive industry demand (ÖGUT, November 2019) This report describes the input data and levers definition of the Production and Manufacturing module as well as the level settings for the industrial energy demand conversion routes as input for modelling. It shows results for the energy intensive manufacturing and production sectors. 

D3.3 Carbon Capture, Use and Sequestration module (EPFL, November 2019) The CCUS module provides a detailed analysis of the CCUS process by breaking down the carbon flow from capture (CC), sequestration (CCS) and utilization (CCU). This report describes the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) module, and in particular:
– The sources and hypotheses used to generate the input data; – The calculation logic and scope of the module; – The lever choices and ambition levels.

D3.4 Expert consultation workshops on manufacturing and minerals (OGÜT, November 2018) This report summarises the activities and discussions of the Expert consultation workshop on manufacturing and production. (Output of Task 3.3).

D4.1 WP4 – Land, land use, minerals, water and biodiversity input spreadsheets for calculator model (Imperial College London, November 2019) This report describes the resources module input spreadsheets, including agriculture, land, land use, minerals, water and biodiversity, while specifying their scientific background and rationales. 

D4.2 Expert consultation workshop on land, land use and carbon stock dynamics (LULUCF), biomass provision (food, energy, materials) & minerals (Imperial College London, University of East Anglia, November 2018) This report summarises the discussions and conclusions from the expert consultation workshop on land, land use and carbon stock dynamics (LULUCF), biomass provision (food, energy, materials) & minerals, held in London on 19th and 20th September 2018, within the framework of the EUCalc project.

D4.3 Expert consultation workshop on the biodiversity and water impacts of biomass provision for food, feed, energy and materials in the EUCalc (University of East Anglia, Imperial College London, December 2018) This report summarises the discussions and conclusions from the expert consultation workshop on the biodiversity and water impacts of biomass provision for food, feed, energy and materials within the framework of the EUCalc project.

D4.4 Report on emissions reduction potential under agricultural practices and dietary change (PIK, November 2019) This report makes use of the EUCalc model to evaluate the mitigation potential of the European agricultural system according to the combined changes in agricultural practices and behavioural shifts. 

D5.1 WP5 – Energy supply module documentation (Pannon Pro Innovations Ltd. July 2019) This report introduces the energy supply module of EUCalc by describing the trends, setting the scene and providing the basis for the methodology of the calculation. Having reviewed the background, the report then goes on describing the ambitions and goals of this specific module. After this, it describes the overall calculation logic of the module, detailing the input, outputs, the module’s relation to other modules and the detailed calculation tree. The calculation methods are thoroughly explained, by detailing the scope, the choice of the lever levels, and the influence of a multitude of external factors.

D5.2 WP5 – Biomass conversion routes input spreadsheet for calculator model (Imperial College London, November 2019) This report describes the biomass conversion routes input spreadsheets, including data and levers definition, as well as levels setting while specifying their scientific background and rationales.

D5.3 Water-energy nexus input spreadsheet for calculator model (EPFL, July 2019) This report describes how the reciprocal dependencies between water and energy, i.e. the water-energy nexus, are implemented within the European Calculator. The data used to account for the water-energy nexus is also provided.

D5.4 Expert consultation workshop on electricity and fossil fuels (PANNON, October 2018) This deliverable describes presentations, discussions and lessons learnt during the EU Calculator Expert consultation workshop on electricity and fossil fuels.

D6.1 Documentation on the GEMINI-3 module interface and on the way the library is generated (EPFL, May 2018) This deliverable details the methodology to compute socio-economic impacts of different transitions toward sustainable societies within the EUCalc project.

D6.3 Expert consultation workshop on identification of key socio-economic parameters (TU DELFT, November 2018) This deliverable details the selection of the most important social and socio- economic issues and indicator by stakeholders’ survey and co-designed expert workshop. These indicators will be used to compute socio-economic impacts of different transitions toward sustainable societies within the EUCalc project.

D6.4 Expert consultation meeting on Air pollution and health module of the European Calculator (TUDelft- Imperial College, May 2019) This report summarises the discussions and conclusions from the expert consultation meeting on the air pollution and health module within the framework of the EUCalc project. It covers the presentations given at the event by the organisers as well as feedback and recommendations provided by participants on the scientific rigour, modelling approach, key assumptions and features of the air pollutions and health module of the EUCalc.

D6.6 Library of input for the employment module and analysis of the impact on employment and GDP for EU and per MS (EPFL, February 2020) This deliverable first describes the methods used to generate the library of inputs for the employment module, and in particular, the Input-Output tables for the EUCalc reference scenario. Second, the employment impacts of different decarbonisation pathways are analysed, and policy recommendations are offered to illustrate how the EUCalc model can help policy makers take informed decisions regarding Europe’s decarbonization and employment policies. 

D6.7 EUCalc scenario impacts on air pollution and human health (TUDelft, November 2019) This report describes how different pathways in EUCalc can lead to impacts in air pollution and human health. The methodology used to design the Air Pollution and Human Health module, and calculate the quantified and monetized impacts of air pollution on health is outlined. 

D6.8 New EUCalc module on socio-economic impacts (EPFL, August 2019) This report describes the EUCalc employment module 

D7.1 Formulation of baseline projections and documentation on modeling approach review (University of Copenhagen March 2018) This deliverable documents the development of the baseline projection to 2050 for use in the modelling work contained in WP7.

D7.2 Documentation of GTAP-EUcalc inferface and design of GTAP scenarios (University of Copenhagen, October 2018) This deliverable lays out the key challenges in linking the EUCalc CORE modules and GTAP to translate the lever settings into compatible data to generate a set of perturbations/shocks mimicking the EUCalc pathways at the aggregated GTAP sectoral classifications, in the objective of facilitating the computation of the trans-boundary impacts. 

D7.3 Expert consultation workshop on transboundary effects (University of Copenhagen, April 2019) This deliverable describes presentations, discussions and lessons learnt during the EU Calculator Expert consultation workshop on transboundary effects, held on the 22nd of November, 2018. The three main topics of discussions were the representative scenarios to be formulated and simulated in the transboundary effect module, the exploitation of the trade results in the Pathway Explorer, and CGE implications of the macro-level development of trade and globalization.

D7.4 Documentation of the GTAP-EUCalc model and Portfolio of GTAP-EUCalc Pathways (University of Copenhagen, October 2019) In this deliverable, we describe in details the specific version of the GTAP-E model and database developed for the EUCalc project, and a library of different GTAP-EUCalc pathways to be simulated using the GTAP-EUCalc model, and the types of results of which are to be plugged into the Transition Pathway Explorer.  

D8.1 Initial version of the model (Climact, April 2018) This deliverable is a practical presentation showing the overview of the current model development, we designed it to include many illustrations and visuals.

D8.2 28+1 – Country version of the EU Calculator model (CLIMACT, April 2018) This deliverable is a technical appendix detailing the key choices in terms of general architecture, modelling choices and programming development.

D8.3 WP8 – Integration of the Lifestyle & Climate modules (UEA, ÖGUT, July 2019) This deliverable describes the linkages of the Lifestyles and Climate modules in the general architecture of the EUCalc model. The connections are detailed both in terms of inputs and outputs between the Lifestyle and Climate modules with the other modules, and also in terms of outputs to the Transition Pathway Explorer (TPE), the user-friendly web-interface via which the EUCalc can be used. Furthermore, this deliverable also details the main calculation trees in the Lifestyle and Climate module. The input data is also made available. Although this deliverable is self-contained in terms on understanding the functioning of the Climate and Lifestyles modules, more detailed descriptions are available in the EUCalculator site 

D8.4 WP4 – Integration of the resource’s modules “Land allocation, biodiversity impact & forestry”, “Water scarcity” and “Minerals” modules(Imperial College London, November 2019) This report describes how the resources modules are integrated in the EUCalculator framework. The resource modules include agriculture, land-use, land-use change and forestry, minerals, water and biodiversity modules. The report details the modules’ scope, input-output interaction and calculation trees.

D8.5 Storage requirements module(PANNON, March 2019) This report introduces the storage requirement module of EUCalc with describing the trends and evolution of electricity balancing, setting the scene and providing the basis for the methodology of the calculation. Having reviewed the background, the report then goes on describing the ambitions and goals of this specific module. After this, it describes the overall calculation logic of the storage module, detailing the input, outputs, the module’s relation to other modules and the detailed calculation tree. The calculation methods are thoroughly explained, by detailing the scope, the choice of the lever levels, and the influence of a multitude of external factors. 

D8.6 Integration of the “Transboundary effects, trade & flows” module (University of Copenhagen, November 2019) The module, based on the research performed by the work package on “Transboundary Effects and Trade Flows” within the EUCalc project, aims at quantifying the transboundary effects of user-selected decarbonization pathways. 

D8.7 Integration of the “Jobs, valued added and social impact” module (EPFL, November 2019) This report details how the socio-economic modules (namely the Air Pollution and Human Health module and the Employment module) were integrated into the EUCalc model. It presents the calculation trees and the interactions between these modules and the rest of the calculator.

D8.8 Concluding workshop for Call for Evidence (Climact, February 2020) This deliverable describes the concluding workshop for the EUCalc Call for Evidence. To contextualise it, the report describes the feedback inclusion process, the Call for Evidence, the workshop event, the feedback received and to what degree it has been incorporated in EUCalc.

D8.9 EUCalc “European Pathways Explorer”: Achievements, Benefits and Model Simplifications (Climact, November 2019) This document is a detailed policy brief, outlining i) where the EU Calc model fits and which policy questions can be addressed with the model and its various modules ii) a brief description of key modelling features, and the key achievements of the project, and iii) the simplifications required and their mitigation.

D9.1 User demand documentation (Imperial College London, August 2019) This report summarises the inputs given by stakeholders at the two user demand workshops organized at the onset of the European Calculator project. The inputs relate mainly to the modelling approach and scope as well as key trends and developments that the European Calculator ought to address to assist stakeholders in their decision making. Further, the report provides responses on how the comments and recommendations from the stakeholders have been taken into consideration in the design of the European Calculator.

D9.2 Stakeholder mapping (SEE Change Net, Aug. 2017) – This report describes a set of standards developed by the EUCalc team for stakeholder mapping and engagement in order to maximize the value of the co-design process and increase the usefulness of the EUCalc for policy setting and decision-making.

D9.3 Training and alignment workshop as kick-off of the expert consultation meetings (SEE CHANGE NET, March 2018) The report provides an overview of discussions and conclusions from the EUCalc training workshop, that took place in November 2017 in Vienna, Austria. The report reflects on and complements the work on stakeholder mapping and co-design workshops, published as Deliverable 9.2 and Deliverable 9.4, and aims at supporting the implementation of the EUCalc co-design process.

D9.4 Method for implementation of EUCalc co-design process (SEE Change Net, Aug. 2017) – This deliverable describes the method for implementation of the EUCalc co-design process – 10 Workshops and Call for evidence.

D9.6 EUCalc model / Pathways Explorer – release 2 (Climate Media Factory, November 2019) This document describes the EUCalc Transition Pathways Explorer web application and, in particular, the user interaction and functional design choices made when producing it.

D9.7 Implementing co-designed research: Experiences gained from expert consultation workshops (SEECN, November 2019) This deliverable compiles “lessons learned” in the EUCalc in terms of engaging with expert stakeholders, so as to better inform future climate policy support and modelling projects. It is related to Task 9.2. 

D10.2 EUCalc Dissemination and exploitation strategy (CMF, April 2018/Updated November 2018) This document sets the project’s communicative objective, outlines the consortium’s common under- standing of the audiences that shall be targeted, formulates respective messages, presents a choice of tactics and tools and defines how impact will be evaluated.

D10.4 High-level event for launch of EUCalc Pathways Explorer (SEECN, February 2020) This deliverable describes the proceedings of the three EUCalc dissemination events directed primarily towards the European Institutions: 1) EUCalc presentation at COP25, 2) High-level event co-hosted by EASME, 3) The EUCalc event hosted at the European Parliament. 

D10.9 Town Hall discussions on climate change and related socio-economic implications and incentives for medium- to longterm decarbonisation pathways (SEECN, February 2020) This report summarises the inputs given by stakeholders at the Town Hall events organized in order to disseminate the European Calculator project results. 

D10.13 Lessons learnt from EUCalc: further research and innovation needs (PIK, October 2019) This report summarises the main achievements, lessons learnt and still open research gaps the European calculator project has identified during the course of its project work.

D11.2 Data Management Plan (PIK, Aug. 2017 – Updated Feb. 2018) – This deliverable outlines the updated EU calculator Data Management Plan (DMP). The DMP, as outlined, only deals with process data (not personal data gathered during the EU calculator workshops).

D11.1 Detailed work plan for first six months (PIK, February 2017) This report describes project planning issues for the first six months of the EUCalc project. The aim is to efficiently start project activities from the very beginning.

D11.4 Advisory Board contributions 1st (PIK, Mar. 2018) – The report gives an overview on the two Advisory Board (AB) Meetings within the first project year and reflects on the discussions and advice the Board Members gave to the Project Consortium.

A short introduction to macroeconomics model in EUCalc (EPFL, September 2018) This report provides a short introduction to the methods used to assess the economic impacts of energy and environmental policies, in particular Input- Output and CGE models.